Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

Dr Andreas Bareiß to Succeed Prof. Thomas Schadt in May

The renowned Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg is on the verge of a generational change: Dr Andreas Bareiß will take over as director of the film academy, which also offers game design courses, on 1 May. Bareiß will succeed Prof. Thomas Schadt, who has headed the Filmakademie since 2005.

Stephan Steininger30.01.2025 09:14
Dr Andreas Bareiß und Kunststaatssekretär Arne Braun
Dr Andreas Bareiß and Arne Braun, State Secretary for the Arts in Baden-Württemberg MWK Baden-Württemberg

The supervisory board of the Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg has unanimously chosen Dr Andreas Bareiß as the new director. This was announced by Arne Braun, State Secretary for the Arts in Baden-Württemberg. He is convinced that Bareiß will tackle the challenges of the coming years with great expertise and enthusiasm. "The new director, Andreas Bareiß, is a sign of the Filmakademie's future viability," said Braun.
